September 27, 2022

Stockholm Resilience Centre

Who are we? Our work is guided by a vision and mission that enable us to build a strong scientific foundation for better understanding the complex dynamics of people and the planet Our vision is a thriving and resilient biosphere that enables […]
September 27, 2022

Centre for Systems Studies

Who are we? We work in trans-disciplinary teams, collaborating with practitioners in public, private and third-sector organisations to develop ways of addressing complexity. Our fundamental research in critical systems thinking, cybernetics, information systems and complex systems science, focuses on developing concepts, theories […]
September 27, 2022

Enlightened Enterprise Academy

Who are we? We are a global multi-disciplinary faculty of experts who believe sustainable widely shared prosperity should be the goal of all enterprises. We provide a platform for progressive thinkers from a broad range of disciplines to share their ideas about […]
September 27, 2022

CHÔRA Foundation

Who are we? CHÔRA was founded with the intent to operate as a non-profit Stichting holding itself accountable to its long-term objectives as stipulated in the Deeds of Incorporation (English version/Dutch version) of the Foundation and the ANBI requirements. As per Article […]
December 13, 2020

Society for Managerial and Social Cybernetics (GWS)

Who are we? The GWS was founded in 1968 as an academic society to promote the development and use of cybernetic thinking in the economy and the society. Today it has established itself in the German-speaking area as a community and forum […]
June 2, 2020

Systems and Complexity in Organisation (SCiO)

Who are we? SCiO (Systems and Complexity in Organisation) is an international social enterprise and charity. What is our focus? We are a professional body for systems practitioners with three stated objectives: the development of systems practice as it applies to organisation, […]
August 30, 2019

European School of Governance – EUSG

Who are we? We are a community of inquiry and transformation. We research and teach. We believe in dialogue, provoking and facilitating public discourse as true thought leaders in the tradition of European New School Thinking.   Where is our focus? Thinking […]