CARIT by Anna University
Who are we?
Digitising of Indic literature in various languages and using ICT based methodologies including context-sensitive concept based digital library searches to cull out the engineering and technological solutions embedded in these works.
Exploring the ‘psychoacsoustics’ of speech and music as detailed in Indic literature and thereby furthering research in the frontier areas such as Cognitive Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Neurosciences.
Deploying multiple grammatical systems in every Indian language including Sanskrit to facilitate new interpretations of Indic literature which could provide fresh directions in the areas of metallurgy, space sciences, mathematical sciences, nano- and bio-technologies.
To collaborate with resource centres in several Indian languages to further the above objectives.
Promotes inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary studies and research in the University.
Promotes implementation of solutions that are perhaps encoded and enshrined in the various Indic scriptures in all the economic systems mentioned above.
Promotes research in the area of inner sciences to establish the glorious heights of human potential development attained through ancient occultism and yoga.
Promotes active collaboration with sister institutions doing research in related areas.
Promotes research in traditional languages including Sanskrit.